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GOME-2 Vertical Ozone Profiles
and Absorbing Aerosol Index

Atmospheric Composition SAF  

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GOME-2 Ozone profiles
  • Dashboard
  • OzoneColumn
  • DFS_Profile
  • CEAO
  • NIter
  • NMeasurements
  • Orbits
  • Time series

  • GOME-2 Absorbing Aerosol
  • PMD AAI orbits
  • Global Mean time series

  • Global reflectance trend
  • NRT Total ozone column

    European Space Agency


    page last modified:
    23 September 2024

    O3 profiles from GOME-2

    Yesterday's results obtained by GOME-2

    AAI from GOME-2

    Today's Aerosol Absorbing Index (AAI)

    Orbits: vertical ozone profiles from GOME-2

    The vertical ozone profiles indicate the presence of ozone in the atmosphere. The profiles are derived from the reflectances measured by GOME-2 between 265 and 330 nm. Taken into account are surface pressure and albedo, cloud data such as cloud top pressure, cloud fraction and cloud albedo. Below there are links to the vertical ozone profile products that are currently available from the ACSAF.

    Please note: GOME-2 L1b data comes in as 3 minute data packets (PDU's) which are processed in NRT (within 3 hours of sensing) but in order to ensure that the orbit stored in the archive is as complete as possible, the final concatenation of the NOP PDU's is done two days later. Data above has a delay of two days.


    The GOME-2 Offline Ozone Profile (OOP) is currently an operational product. Imagery is available from this website, but due to data policy restrictions the underlying datafiles are available via the EUMETSAT Data Center (see the ACSAF website for more information).

    Global Fields of GOME-2 Vertical Ozone Profiles

    Daily images Ozone Column:
    Daily images Tropospheric Ozone Column:
    Daily images DFS_Profile:
    Daily images CEAO:
    Daily images NIter:
    Daily images NMeasurements:
    Daily images AprioriColumn:
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   
    2007  | 2008  | 2009  | 2010  | 2011  | 2012  | 2013  | 2014  | 2015  | 2016  | 2017  | 2018  | 2019  | 2020  | 2021  | 2022  | 2023  | 2024   

    Vertical cross sections of GOME-2 Orbits

    Daily Vertical Ozone Profiles:
    2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024  


    The data of the GOME-2 vertical ozone profiles are provided by KNMI in the framework of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Atmospheric Composition Monitoring (AC SAF).

    The validation website of the ACSAF is hosted at